Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day to all the Veterans who have served, all the men and women who are currently serving, to all the military spouses, families, friends, to everyone! I hope everyone has a wonderful but safe holiday and don't forget the reason that we celebrate!

Last night, Adam had to leave for work for a month. We have yet to spend a 4th of July together. Despite the fact that we have dealt with year long deployments, it's still difficult being apart no matter the length of time. This will be the longest period of time in which the Kalie and Madelyn are under my watch, and I'm kind of curious to see how they do without their father being home. Hopefully there won't be any problems.

So this morning I was faced with a rather difficult situation. My sister approached me and asked me why I was so sad and when I explained that Adam had to leave for work, she said, "people leave all the time for business trips. How is this any different? I see so many military families get all worked up when their loved one leaves for deployment or whatever. It's not that difficult to deal with. Suck it up." Now don't get me wrong, I'm a pretty mellow person and I hardly am ever rude but this set me off and I ended up telling her to get out of my house. I told her that she didn't have to leave the town, but she wasn't allowed to stay with me anymore. I'm sure she was shocked that her little sister had the nerve to stand up for herself but I wasn't about to take what she said.

Anyways, I just picked up the girls from their friends house and right now they're cleaning their room. My mom and dad are coming in for a visit this evening and staying for a couple of nights which will be nice. I spent all morning cleaning and when the girls are done I think i'll take them to lunch a DQ, run a few arrends, and maybe go get a couple of sparklers and fireworks for tonight :)

I'll leave you all with my favorite military quote and my favorite military spouse video. Have a wonderful and safe 4th ya'll!:

"Next deployment always comes to soon, so love like he deploys tomorrow."

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