Friday, July 1, 2011

First blog

Hmm well I gave in... I decided finally start my blog. It's something that I've been wanting to do for a while... just never got around to it. But since my life is just so full of excitement (ha!) I figured that I would actually sit down and take the time to create one.

So when I signed up for my blog, they asked me what I would like to title my blog and it was a no-brainer. I remember the first time my family and my husbands family got together... my now MIL said, "Ya'll are such an unlikely match! Taylor is this good ole country cowgirl and Adam is this city loving sailor in the Navy," soo.... Cowgirl & The Sailor it is. I guess it is a pretty random match if you think about it. We come from completely different lifestyles. He loves the city and isn't big on the outdoors, well I mean he is but getting him to actually go tent-camping with me would be impossible. Me on the other hand, I grew up in a small country town where I spent the majority of my time either on my parents cattle farm or at the barn riding horses. But somehow, we just work.

Anyways, I've decided that I really need to expand my diet. Seems that all I've been eating lately is hummus and flat-bread... what can I say though? I'm addicted. My husband left for a couple of days ago yesterday and the minute he left, I went to Wal-Mart and bought a big ole bag of white bread... Even though my metabolism is super fast, I realize that I've been eating really unhealthy lately. I really need to do better though. Start eating healthier and working out more.

I have to go back to the Health Department on the 11th to get another Depo shot. I think I'm going to talk to them about a new form of birth control though. I've been on the Depo Shot since April, and I HATEHATEHATE it!!! It's been giving me TERRIBLE mood swings, I've bee bleeding non-stop for 2 months now, and it's even making my hair fall out. I really can't take it anymore. Adam thinks I should ask for an IUD but I read some of the side-effects that it can cause and it scared me a little. Either way though, I've got to do something else. This shot is not gonna work for me.

My day today is pretty boring unfortunately... I woke up around 8ish, got the girls up and fed them breakfast, and then got on the computer. Right now the girls are in their room watching TV and doing who knows what. I think later today I'll make a run by Wal-Mart to get a couple of things then maybe hit the DQ drive-thru for dinner. Nothing to exciting. Probably do some cleaning before then.

I've been looking at a couple of houses to rent in this area near ETSU just because I can't stand where we live. When I first met Adam, he was living in a little trailer with Madelyn and Kalie about 3 miles away from East Tennessee State U. once we got married, I moved in. Now for 3 people it works, but now that I'm here it just seems so crowded. Most of my cloths are in rubber-made containers under our bed.... ya we need a bigger place. There is only 1 bathroom (which is super super small) and with 3 girls now living in a house together, disaster is bound to happen. I love Adam and the girls, and I realize money is a bit tight right now, but I do think looking into a bigger place to rent is a good idea.

Hmm I guess that's it for now. Kinda went on and on and on for my first blog, but that's OK.

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