Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Peace, Love, Crabs

Ekk! I'm terrible! It's been ages since I've updated, much less been on here at all *Slaps hand* I promise, I'll try and do better. Since it's been almost an entire month since I've last posted, A LOT has gone on.... which means I'm in for a hand cramp with typing all the updates. Where oh where to start? From the beginning I reckon.

1) I'm back in school again (what the hell is wrong with me?!). For years now, I've wanted to work for an adoption agency and I finally decided that it was time to start working towards that dream. I'm now enrolled at East Tennessee State University with a major in Social Work. I'm hoping in 2 years, my dream will happen. I have classes Mondays-Thursdays in the mornings. My latest class ends at 3:30 which is great, because it allows me to still work and get done everything that needs to get done at home. I'm so excited about being back in school, but at the same time I keep thinking why the hell am I doing this? It's so much added stress in my life, but hopefully after I graduate, it'll be worth it -crosses fingers.-

2) I found out 2 days ago that I have hyperthyroidism. For several months now, I have lost A LOT of hair and even if I sleep 8 hours at night, I wake up extremely worn out. I knew something was wrong with my body so I finally went to get it checked out. They explained that my case was so bad that the best thing to do is to remove part of my thyroid. So on September 29th, I go in for surgery. I'm dreading it. I HATEHATEHATE hospitals. I'm such a big baby when it comes to needles, so knowing that they are going to cut me open just scares the living hell out of me. I pray that after the surgery though, I'll feel better. The doctor explained that after the surgery, my body will change. It'll be easy for me to put on weight, my activity level wont be as high, and my sex drive wont be as high either... I had to laugh at the sex drive part though. Apparently my doctor doesn't know Adam because anytime we're around each other, some sort of sexual activity ALWAYS happens. I'm not expecting a removed thyroid to change that lol... sorry Doc.

3) My birthday is approaching (the 25th) and I am totally feeling my age (which I wont say lol). I know I'm still young, 10 1/2 years younger than Adam actually, but with everything that's gone on lately, I feel about 60. I was hoping to spend my birthday with Adam, but he will be with his mom that day so instead, my mom is taking me to Nashville. She said that we're going to do the same thing we did for my 10th birthday when we were in Nashville: Go to Joe's Crab Shack and go on a horse and buggy right. I feel like such a little kid because when she told me this, I got way excited. It's funny how the little things in life make you the happiest.

4) Adam and I are doing so well. We've been talking a lot and I see him 1-2 times a week. I've realized that we rushed into our marriage and that really hurt us. Now we're taking things slow and I'm actually happy. We discussed the other day that a divorce is completely out of the question. I am so thankful for this. I spent last night with him and the girls and I have to say, it was probably one of the better nights that we've had together in so long. I don't want to talk to much about this because I don't want jinx anything, so I'll stop at that.

Life is good. I'm happy again. I've realized that I worry way to much about things that I have no control over and about things that I really don't even need to worry about. I'm trying to really work on that. My life is so much easier when I just stop worrying.

I hope everyone is doing well!

Peace, Love, & Crabs (;

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